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Hospice & Health Information, Excerpts and Articles

Hospice: The Lesson
By Joan Morris
Published Sunday, May 20, 2001, in the Contra Costa Times Newspapers.
Original Link Address:

SFBAPPA.ORG Award of Excellence:
Bob Larson, Contra Costa Newspapers, "The Lesson" - Corresponding Photos.

About this Special Report:

For most of Diane Sheffield’s life, she had been a teacher and counselor. So when the Walnut Creek mother of two learned there was no cure for her metastatic breast cancer, she decided to use her last days to teach others about facing death. Diane, who died in March at the age of 60, began receiving hospice in August 1998, beginning a journey that would strengthen her faith, enhance the loving relationships with her family and many friends, and lead to a peaceful exit from this world. Diane and her family, supported by Hospice and Palliative Care of Contra Costa, allowed a Times reporter and photographer into their lives. What follows, in serialized form, is a look at Diane’s life, death and what remains. It also is a look at the growing yet still under-used hospice movement, which provides care and support each year for thousands of people in this country.

The Death Experience
Death can be an intimate experience (The Coming and Going Room)

An interview with Mary B. Moorhead, a licensed family therapist and elder-care specialist, shares her thoughts as she recently helped a beloved neighbor fight and then succumb to cancer.


How Do We Handle Grief?
An online conversation with author Marta Felber about getting through the process of grief as described in her books
Grief Expressed and Finding Your Way After Your Spouse Dies.
Helping Children Handle Grief an article from

Developmental Considerations Concerning Children's Grief by Age an article from

Difficult Grief - Homicide an Inspirational piece and helpful links by Lotusbud


"I Never Held You"
by Ellen M. Dubois
I'm not a doctor, but I know what it is to miscarry. I'm not a psychiatrist, but I can tell you about the pain and grief that accompany a miscarriage. Excerpted from the book, "I Never Held You" by Ellen M. Dubois, published by DLSIJ Press. The entire book which offers counsel on letting go and moving on can be downloaded for a small fee from the DLSIJ website. An excerpt from this book may be found at SpiritualSisters.Com. The author, Ellen M. Dubois, website address is: Wings of the Heart

Suicide & Depression

The Samaritans

The Samaritans are a charity, founded in 1953, which exists to provide confidential emotional support to any person, who is suicidal or despairing; and to increase public awareness of issues around suicide and depression. Trained volunteers provide this service 24 hours every day. It is free. You are guaranteed absolute confidentiality and that you will not be judged. They believe that everyone has the right to control their own destiny - including the right to end their life.

Suicide: Read This First ~ Metanoia.Org

Living With Suicide: Shared Experiences and Voices of Loss

Difficult Grief - Suicide - Inspirational piece and helpful links by Lotusbud

Depression: What it's like ... - An anonymous sharing


Additional Links to Resources & Information

Healing Feelings ~ Tools for the Process
fromThe Centre for Living with Dying

Additional Tools for the Process
Transforming & Healing our River of Feelings

Growth House Organization
Resource Center for Major Illness, Death & Dying, and Grief for both Adults & Children

The National Organization of Parents of Murdered Children, Inc.
POMC® provides the ongoing emotional support needed to help parents and other survivors facilitate the reconstruction of a "new life" and to promote a healthy resolution. Not only does POMC help survivors deal with their acute grief, but with the criminal justice system as well.

Final Passages Organization
formerly: NDCA -Natural Death Care Project
Dedicated to a compassionate and dignified alternative to current funeral practices

Netkin Bereavement Community
Netkin provides a place on the internet for family and friends to find comfort and solace during and after the death of a loved one.

Daily meditation reflection ... Outflowing
Inspirational piece from Karma's Korner

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