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From the book:
Medicine Cards - The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals
by Jamie Sams & David Carson
Illustrated by Angela C. Werneke
Publisher: Bear & Company
PO Drawer 2860
Santa Fe, NM 87504
ISBN 0-939680-53-X

Dragonfly ~ Card No. 27~ Illusion

    Dragonfly ...
      Breaks illusions,
        Brings visions of power,
          No need to prove it,
            Now is the hour!

      Know it, believe it,
        Great Spirit intercedes,

      Feeding you, blessing you,
        Filling all your needs.

Dragonfly medicine is of the dreamtime and the illusionary facade we accept as physical reality. The iridescence of Dragonfly's wings reminds us of colors not found in our everyday experience. Dragonfly's shifting of color, energy, form, and movement explodes into the mind of the observer, bringing vague memories of a time or place where magic reigned.

Some legends say that Dragonfly was once Dragon, and that Dragon had scales like Dragonfly's wings. Dragon was full of wisdom, and flew through the night bringing light with its fiery breath. The breath of Dragon brought forth the art of magic and the illusion of changing form. Then Dragon got caught in its own facade. Coyote tricked Dragon into changing form, and the shape of its new body became like Dragonfly's. In accepting the challenge to prove its power and magical prowess, Dragon lost its power.

Dragonfly is the essence of the winds of change, the messages of wisdom and enlightenment, and the communications from the elemental world. This elemental world is made up of the tiny spirits of plants, and of the elements air, earth, fire, and water. In essence, this world is full of nature spirits.

If Dragonfly has flown into your cards today, you may have forgotten to water your plants. On another level, you may need to give thanks to the foods you eat for sustaining your body. On the psychological level, it may be time to break down the illusions you have held that restrict your actions or ideas.

Dragonfly medicine always beckons you to seek out the parts of your habits which you need to change. Have you put on too much weight, or have you started to look like a scarecrow? Have you tended to the changes you have wanted to make in your life? If you feel the need for change, call on Dragonfly to guide you through the mists of illusion to the pathway of transformation.

See how you can apply the art of illusion to your present question or situation, and remember that things are never completely as they seem.

Contrary Dragonfly:

Are you trying to prove to yourself or someone else that you have power? Are you caught in an illusion that weakens your true feelings or minimizes your abilities? If so, you may have contracted "Dragonfly dive-bombing." Is this the final "crash and burn" for some pipe-dream that had no real purpose? Look within and feel the sense-of-self energy within yourself. Notice if it is ebbing, and find the point in time when you were deluded into believing that you would be happier if you changed because someone else wanted you to. Misery is a prime clue that you lost your will and personal validity when you bought into someone else's idea of who or what you should be. The illusion was that you would be happier if you did it their way. In forfeiting what you know is right and true for you personally, you give away your power. It is time for you to take it back.

Follow Dragonfly to the place inside your body where magic is still alive, and drink deeply of its power. This strength belongs to you. It is the power of becoming the illusion. This ability is ever changing, and contains within it the knowledge that you are creating it all.

About the Authors

David Carson is the author of Lament (Grove Press, 1973). He has written prolifically for newspapers, films, and underground, radical, social reform publications. He is of Choctaw descent, grew up in Oklahoma, and has lived on Cheyenne, Crow, and Sioux reservations in Montana and Manitoba.

Jamie Sams is a Native American medicine teacher and a member of the Wolf Clan teaching lodge. She is of Iroquois and Cherokee descent, and has been trained in Seneca, Mayan, Aztec, and Choctaw medicine. Jamie lived and studied with Mayan and Aztec teachers in Mexico during the 1970s. She is the author of Sacred Path Cards, The 13 Original Clan Mothers, and Earth Medicine, and co-author (with Twylah Nitsch) of Other Council Fires Were Here Before Ours.

About the Artist
Angela Werneke is a designer/illustrator who sees her work as a way of healing and nurturing the Earth. Her visionary artistry appears in Barbara Hand Clow's Heart of the Christos (Bear & Company, 1989) and Nicki Scully's The Golden Cauldron (Bear & Company, 1991). She has received professional recognition for her book design and illustration, which includes Medicine Cards as well as Bear & Company's Keepers of the Fire and A Painter's Quest Angela lives with her dog and cats in the high juniper desert of northern New Mexico.

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